Friday, December 3, 2010

Energy Healing

Well today I went for my first session of energy healing. My hairdresser recommended a lovely lady named Jeanne, who has an office in the salon. After a long conversation with her by phone, I set up the appointment. Today was transforming! I'm going to describe some of the sensations I experienced:

I was lying on my back with eyes closed. Jeanne used a pendulum crystal to check my chakras. The pendulum swings either in circles, elipses, and either clockwise, counterclockwise, etc... This gives her an idea of the state of my chakras.

I turned onto my stomach, breathing slowly, relaxing, while Jeanne then evaluated the energy in my spine. She then began at my feet, and methodically worked up each leg, holding her hands in specific areas, with gentle pressure. She then moved onto my hips, sacrum, up my back, ribcage, shoulders, neck, head, crown. This was done over the course of about an hour.

While Jeanne was working on my, I sometimes had the sensation of swirling, and was aware of the shifting colors behind my eyelids. Sometimes everything was dark, then color would arise and pulsate. There was a lot of dark green, dark purple. Occasionally threads of copper or gold would wind up through it. I know that clear chakras will have more brilliant color than what I was seeing, and I don't know if the colors I was seeing had anything to do with my chakras at the time. Sometimes shapes would form, I would see an abstract face, and once I saw angels rising up and outward. Occasionally the third eye (at the center of the forehead) would open up. I would see a light right in the center, and this light would open and close rhythmically. Or it would remain open but only for a few seconds. Then it would disappear. I found myself yearning for it to return, wondered where it went and why it left. It was so peaceful, like nothing I can truly describe. My body twitched here and there as the energy shifted and swirled. When Jeanne was on particular areas that were blocked... my mid back, my neck... i had a couple of pretty hard full body twitches, and my breath sort of caught. When Jeanne focused on the left side of my neck, where I have some problems, I initially felt a mild sense of fear, breathing sped up just a bit. But I acknowledged it, and allowed the energy to flow.

After Jeanne completed this portion of the treatment, she did a spine clearing. Beginning at my neck, she held steady in each position, then we took three deep breaths together before she moved down to the next position. I found that during this time, I seemed to be floating away just a bit, my thoughts would wander. Then it was as if she had me by a string and she would pull me in, as if to say "come back here!" It was very interesting. And it happened with each position she worked on down my spine. She did this in four sections.

Jeanne then had me lie on my back once more, and she checked my chakras. She told me that my heart chakra, solar plexus chakra and root chakra had been ellipitical, and the root was spinning backwards, but now they were all balanced.

She left the room and I lay there for a few minutes to recollect, then got up. I felt amazing... so relaxed, so happy, so balanced! I felt love eminating from my heart.

So that's what my session was like... I look forward with great anticipation, to my next session!


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Journey

OK, I've just started this blog, and I know it will take a little time to settle into it and get on a roll. So let me just start by saying that the purpose of this blog is to record my journey into enlightenment. I've ignored the call to higher living, to increase my vibration, to truly live, for far too long. The time has come. So here it is.

That's where I'm starting.... so my journey begins here.
